News! Congratulations that Liang-Chia Chen's work "HCV: Lightweight Hybrid CNN-Vision Transformer for Visual Object Tracking" is accepted by International Conference on Multimedia Modeling 2025 (2024/10/31)
News! Congratulations that Cheng-Kang Tan's work "CS-HOI: Human Object Interaction Detection Enhanced by Common Sense" is accepted by ACM Multimedia Asia 2024 (2024/10/31)
News! Congratulations that Guan-Yu Wu's work "Incremental Few-Shot Object Detection by Leveraging External Information from Large Multimodal Models" is accepted by ACM Multimedia Asia 2024 (2024/10/31)
News! Congratulations that the collaboration with Dept. of Resource Engineering "Deep Learning in the Advanced Core Sample Porosity Determination with XCT image" is accepted by Earth Science Informatics (2024/09/29)
News! Congratulations that Yu-Yuan Huang's work "Learnable Context in Multiple Instance Learning for Whole Slide Image Classification and Segmentation" is accepted by Journal of Imaging Informatics in Medicine (2024/09/29)
News! Congratulations that 吳冠渝 receives 崇越論文大賞佳作 (2024/09/29)
News! Congratulations that 陳宥翔 receives 未來科技獎 (2024/09/19)
News! Congratulations that 陳宥翔 receives 成功大學敏求智慧運算學院「智慧運算創新應用」專題實作競賽創新運算組銀獎 (2024/09/09)
News! Congratulations that Yi-Chen Chen's work "Positive and Negative Set Designs in Contrastive Feature Learning for Temporal Action Segmentation" is accepted to IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. (2024/06/14)
News! Congratulations that the co-work with our Indian colleagues "Transformer-based Clipped Contrastive Quantization Learning for Unsupervised Image Retrieval" is accepted to IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2024. (2024/06/14)
News! Congratulations that Yu-Chen Lai's work "Unsupervised Anomaly Detection on Histopathology Images Using Adversarial Learning and Simulated Anomaly" is accepted to UK Conference on Medical Image Understanding and Analysis 2024. (2024/05/31)
News! Congratulations that Prof. Wei-Ta Chu is elevated to ACM Senior Member. (2024/05/11)
News! Congratulations that Yi-Cheng Liu's work "Chart Question Answering based on Modality Conversion and Large Language Models" is accepted to ACM Workshop in AI-powered Question & Answering Systems, 2024. (2024/05/11)
News! Congratulations that 孫諒瑜 receives 中華民國資訊學會碩士論文獎佳作 (2024/03/13)
News! Congratulations that Liang-Yu Sun's work “Overall Positive Prototype for Few-Shot Open-Set Recognition” is accepted to Pattern Recognition (2024/03/04)
News! Congratulations that Yi-Peng Wang's work “Multiple Player Tracking with 3D Projection and Spatio-temporal Information in Multi-view Sports Videos” is accepted to ICASSP 2024 (2023/12/14)
News! Congratulations that Ci-Ying Zhang's work “Occlusion-Aware Manga Character Re-identification with Self-Paced Contrastive Learning” is accepted to MMAsia 2023 (2023/09/17)
News! Congratulations that 孫諒瑜 receives 敏求智慧運算競賽銀牌獎 (2023/09/01)
News! Congratulations that 黃有源 receives 敏求智慧運算競賽佳作 (2023/09/01)
News! Congratulations that 陳韋志 receives 中華民國資訊學會碩士論文獎佳作 (2023/03/14)
News! Congratulations that the work “Automated Video Analysis of Audio-visual approaches to predict and detect mild cognitive impairment and dementia in older adults” is accepted to Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease (2023/01/27)
News! Congratulations that the work developed by 楊奕廷 receives Best Poster Award, International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (2023/01/13)
News! Congratulations
that the work developed by 楊晴晴
receives 中國石油學會111年優秀論文探勘開發類金獎 (2022/12/23)
News! Congratulations that our paper "The VTF Dataset and
a Multi-Scale Thermal-to-Visible Face Synthesis System "
is accepted to MMM 2023 (2022/10/25)
Congratulations that our paper "Manga Text Detection
with Manga-Specific Data Augmentation and Its
Applications on Emotion Analysis" is accepted to MMM
2023 (2022/10/25)
News! Congratulations that 王蒂元's master thesis
"基於視覺與聽覺資訊之偵測老人輕度認知障礙及失智症" receives 中華民國民生電子學會碩士論文獎佳作 (2022/10/20)
News! Congratulations that our paper "Multimodal Fusion with
Cross-Modal Attention for Action Recognition in Still Images" is
accepted to ACM Multimedia Asia 2022 (2022/09/18)
News! Congratulations that Prof. Chu is appointed as an associate
editor of IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (2022/08/01)
News! Congratulations that Prof. Chu received Outstanding Reviewer
Award from ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval
News! Congratulations that our paper "Enhancing Fan Engagement in
a 5G Stadium with AI-Based Technologies and Live Streaming" is
accepted to IEEE Systems Journal (2022/04/18)
News! Congratulations that the work "Vision Transformer Hashing
for Image Retrieval" collaborated with IIIT, India, is accepted to
ICME 2022 (2022/03/06)
News! Congratulations that Yu-Heng Huang's work "Indie Games
Popularity Prediction by Considering Multimodal Features" is
accepted to MMM (2021/11/06)
News! Congratulations that 黃顯堯's master thesis receives
中華民國人工智慧學會碩士論文獎佳作. (2021/11/06)
News! Congratulations that Wei-Ting Cao's work "Multi-Class
Novelty Detection with Generated Hard Novel Features" is accepted
to BMVC (2021/10/19)
News! Congratulations that 黃顯堯's master thesis receives
中華民國影像處理與圖形識別學會碩士論文獎佳作. (2021/08/25)
News! Congratulations that Sian-Yao Huang's work "OSNASLib:
One-Shot NAS Library" is accepted to ICCV workshop on Neural
Architectures: Past, Present and Future (2021/08/25)
News! Congratulations that Chen-Ni Chen's work "How It Flies and
Why It Flies? Volleyball Trajectory Segmentation and
Classification" receives IEEE MSA-TC Best Paper Award.
News! Congratulations that Yu-Hsuan Liang's and Kai-Chia Ho's work
"Visual Weather Property Prediction by Multi-Task Learning and
Two-Dimensional RNNs" is accepted to Atmosphere. (2021/04/27)
News! Congratulations that Ting-Hsuan Chou's work "Automatic Pitch
Overlay" is accepted to ACM International Conference on Multimedia
Retrieval. (2021/04/21)
News! Congratulations that Sian-Yao Huang's work "PONAS:
Progressive One-shot Neural Architecture Search for Very Efficient
Deployment" is accepted to IJCNN 2021. (2021/04/10)
News! Congratulations that Chen-Ni Chen's work "How It Flies and
Why It Flies? Volleyball Trajectory Segmentation and
Classification" is accepted to IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems
II: Express Briefs. (2021/03/12)
News! Congratulations that Sian-Yao Huang's work "Searching by
Generating: Flexible and Efficient One-Shot NAS with Architecture
Generator" is accepted to CVPR 2021. (2021/03/02)
News! Congratulations that Si-Heng Huang's work "Multi-Label Image
Recognition by Using Semantics Consistency, Object Correlation,
and Multiple Samples" is accepted to Journal of Visual
Communication and Image Representation. (2021/02/22)
News! Congratulations that Chen-Ni Chen's work "How It Flies and
Why It Flies? Volleyball Trajectory Segmentation and
Classification" is accepted to ISCAS 2021. (2021/02/02)
News! Congratulations that Zong-Wei Pan's work "Semi-Supervised 3D
Human Pose Estimation by Jointly Considering Temporal and
Multiview Information" is accepted to IEEE Access. (2020/12/16)
News! Congratulations that Ping-Shen Huang's work "Thermal Face
Recognition based on Multi-Scale Image Synthesis" is accepted to
International Conference on Multimedia Modelling, 2021.
News! Congratulations that An-Lun Liu's work "A Posture Evaluation
System for Fitness Videos based on Recurrent Neural Network"
receives the Best Paper Award from International Symposium on
Computer, Consumer and Control. (2020/11/13)
News! Congratulations that 黃品珅 receives 台灣電子電機學會碩士論文獎佳作(應用組) for
his work "Thermal Face Recognition based on Multi-Scale Image
Synthesis". (2020/11/06)
News! Congratulations that the work "A Study of Self Distillation
for Mango Image Classification" developed by Wei-Chi Chen has been
accepted to ICS 2020 (2020/10/26)
News! Congratulations that the work "A Posture Evaluation System
for Fitness Videos based on Recurrent Neural Network" developed by
An-Lun Liu has been accepted to IS3C 2020. (2020/09/01)
Congratulations that the work "BatikGAN: A Generative Adversarial
Network for Batik Creation" developed by Lin-Yu Ko has been
accepted to MMArt-ACM 2020. (2020/04/06)
News! Congratulations that the work "Attribute-Aware Multi-Scale
Image Generation with Residual Learning" developed by Li-Wei Huang
has been accepted to ICAN 2020. (2019/12/5)
News! Congratulations that the work "A Study of Garbage
Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks" developed by
Shanshan Meng has been accepted to ICAN 2020. (2019/12/5)
News! International Joint Workshop on Multimedia Artworks Analysis
and Attractiveness Computing in Multimedia 2020 will be held in
conjunction with ICMR 2020, Dublin City, Ireland. (2019/11/3)
News! The paper "A Survey on Multimedia Artworks Analysis and
Attractiveness Computing in Multimedia" has been accepted by ITE
Transactions on Media Technology and Applications. (2019/04/16)
News! 郭紘睿's work "應用多向神經網路於多圖片多標籤分類" is awarded中華民國資訊學會碩士論文獎佳作
News! International Joint Workshop on Multimedia Artworks Analysis
and Attractiveness Computing in Multimedia 2019 will be held in
conjunction with ICME, Shanghai, China. (2019/01/15)
Call for paper:
Workshop on AI Aesthetics in Arts and Media [in
conjunction with ACCV 2018,
Dec. 3, 2018, Perth, Australia]
News! The work "A Genetic Programming Approach to
Integrate Multilayer CNN Features for Image Classification,"
developed by Hao-An Chu is accepted to International Conference
on Multimedia Modeling, 2019. (2018/9/27)
News! The work "Text Detection in Manga by Deep Region Proposal,
Classification, and Regression," developed by Chih-Chi Yu is
accepted to IEEE International Conference on Visual
Communications and Image Processing, 2018. (2018/8/30)
News! The work "A Parametric Study of Deep Perceptual Model on
Visible to Thermal Face Recognition," developed by Jo-Ning Wu is
accepted to IEEE International Conference on Visual
Communications and Image Processing, 2018. (2018/8/30)
News! The work "Manga Face Detection based on Deep Neural
Networks Fusing Global and Local Information" developed by
Wei-Wei Li is accepted to Pattern Recognition (2018/8/27)
News! The work "Depth-Aware Image Colorization" developed by
Yu-Ting Hsu is accepted by International Workshop on
Understanding Subjective Attributes of Data, with the Focus on
Evoked Emotions (2018/8/17)
News! International Workshop on AI Aesthetics in Arts and Media
2018 will be held in conjunction with ACCV, Perth, Australia.
News! 吳依玲's work "應用自動學習的深度相關性特徵於影像風格分類" is
awarded中華民國資訊學會碩士論文獎佳作 (2018/04/02)
News! The work "Image Style Classification based on Learnt Deep
Correlation Features" developed by Yi-Ling Wu is accepted by
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2018. (2018/01/28)
News! The work "Visual Weather Temperature Prediction" developed
by Kai-Chia Ho, and collaborated with Prof. Ali Borji of
University of Central Florida, is accepted to IEEE Winter
Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, 2018.
News! International Workshop on Multimedia Artworks Analysis
2018 will be held in conjunction with ICMR, Yokohama, Japan.
Prof. Chu received 中國電機工程學會優秀青年工程師獎 (2017/10/12)
News! 吳依玲's work
"應用自動學習的深度相關性特徵於影像風格分類" is awarded 台灣電子電機工程學會碩士論文獎佳作
News! The work "Blog Article Summarization with
Image-Text Alignment Techniques " developed by Ming-Chih
Kao is accepted to International Symposium on
Multimedia, 2017. (2017/09/22)
News! The work "Movie Genre Classification based on
Poster Images with Deep Neural Networks" developed by
Hung-Jui Guo is accepted to International Workshop on
Multimodal Understanding of Social, Affective and
Subjective Attributes, 2017. (2017/08/15)
News! The work "Camera as Weather Sensor: Estimating
Weather Information from Single Images" developed by
Xiang-You Zheng and Ding-Shiuan Ding is accepted by Journal
of Visual Communications and Image Representation, 2017.
News! The work "Food Image Description Based on Deep-Based
Joint Food Category, Ingredient, and Cooking Method
Recognition" developed by Chia-Hsing Lin is accepted by
International Workshop on Multimedia Services and
Technologies for E-health, 2017. (2017/04/11)
News! The work "Manga FaceNet: Face Detection in Manga based
on Deep Neural Network" developed by Wei-Wei Li is accepted
by ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval,
2017. (2017/04/11)
News! The work "Badminton Video Analysis based on
Spatiotemporal and Stroke Features" developed by Samuel
Situmeang is accepted by ACM International Conference on
Multimedia Retrieval, 2017. (2017/04/11)
News! Prof. Chu has been elevated to IEEE Senior Member.
News! The work
"Predicting Occupation from Images by Combining Face and Body
Context Information" developed by Chih-Hao Chiu is accepted to
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and
Applications. (2016/10/21)
News! The work "Advertisement Detection, Segmentation, and
Classification for Newspaper Images and Website Snapshots"
developed by Han-Yuan Chang is accepted by International
Computer Symposium. (2016/10/05)
News! The work "A Study of Combining Re-coloring and Adding
Patterns to Images for Dichromats" developed by Tsung-Han Yang
is accepted by ACCV Workshop on Assistive Vision. (2016/09/19)
News! The work "Cultural Difference and Visual Information on
Hotel Rating Prediction" developed by Wei-Han Huang is accepted
by World Wide Web Journal. (2016/07/19)
News! Prof. Chu is appointed as an Associate Editor of IEICE
Transactions on Information and Systems. (2016/07/05)
News! The work "Deep Correlation Features for Image Style
Classification" developed by Yi-Ling Wu is accepted by ACM
Multimedia 2016. (2016/06/28)
News! The work "On Broadcasted Game Video Analysis: Event
Detection, Highlight Detection, and Highlight" developed by
Yung-Chieh Chou is accepted by Multimedia Tools and
Applications. (2016/05/03)
News! The work "Image2Weather: A Large-Scale Image Dataset for
Weather Property Estimation" developed by Xiang-You Zheng and
Ding-Shiuan Ding is accepted by IEEE International Conference on
Multimedia Big Data 2016. (2016/02/02)
News! The proposed
International Workshop on Multimedia Artworks Analysis,
co-organized by Prof. Toshihiko Yamasaki, Dr. Takaaki Shiratori,
and Prof. Wei-Ta Chu, is accepted to ICME 2016. (2015/12/23)
News! The work "Manga-Specific Features and Latent Style Model
for Manga Style Analysis" developed by Wei-Chung Cheng is
accepted by IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech
and Signal Processing 2016. (2015/12/22)
News! The work "News Story Clustering with Fisher Embedding"
developed by Han-Nung Hsu is accepted by IEEE International
Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing 2016.
News! The proposed International Workshop on Mobile Media Big
Data Analytics and Applications, co-organized by Prof. Jialie
Shen, Prof. Xueming Qian, Dr. Yongqing Sun, and Prof.
Wei-Ta Chu, is accepted to BigMM 2016. (2015/12/10)
News! The work "Event Detection and Highlight Detection of
Broadcasted Game Videos" developed by Yung-Chieh Chou is
accepted by Workshop on Computational Models of Social
Interactions: Human-Computer-Media Communication. (2015/08/14)
News! Congratulate 鄭為中, 周雍傑, 邱志豪 passing their master thesis
defense. (2015/07/30)
News! Welcome Jian Hao Loo, from Universiti Putra Malaysia, as a
summer intern in our lab. (2015/06/29)
News! The work "Weather-Adaptive Distance Metric for Landmark
Image Classification" developed by Ding-Shiuan Ding is accepted
by Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (2015/06/29)
News! Prof. Chu will serve as the Publication Co-chair of IEEE
International Conference on Visual Communications and Image
Processing (2015/05/29)
News! We will co-organize a special session "Geospatial and
Temporal Social Multimedia Analysis" at Pacific-Rim Conference
on Multimedia 2015 (2015/04/15)
News! The work "A Privacy-Preserving Bipartite Graph Matching
Framework for Multimedia Analysis and Retrieval" developed by
Feng-Chi Chang is accepted by ACM International Conference on
Multimedia Retrieval (2015/03/16)
News! The work
"Optimized Comics-Based Storytelling for Temporal Image
Sequences" developed by Chia-Hsiang Yu and Hsin-Han Wang is
accepted by IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (2014/11/28)
News! 游家祥's work "用於時序性影像之最佳化漫畫敘事系統" is awarded 中華民國資訊學會碩士論文獎佳作
News! The work "Predicting Occupation from Single Facial Images"
developed by Chih-Hao Chiu is accepted by IEEE Intermational
Symposium on Multimedia 2014 (2014/09/15)
News! The work "Fast Object Detection Using Multistage Particle
Window Deformable Part Model" developed by Ming-Hung Hsu is
accepted by IEEE Intermational Symposium on Multimedia 2014
News! The work "Street Sweeper: Detecting and Removing Cars in
Street View Images" developed by Ying-Chieh Chao and Yi-Sheng
Chang is accepted by Multimedia Tools and Applications
News! Prof. Ichiro IDE from Nagoya University visisted our lab
News! The work "Line-based drawing style description for manga
classification" developed by Ying-Chieh Chao is accepted by ACM
Multimedia 2014 (2014/07/09)
News! Prof. Chu received the Distinguished Alumni Award from
National Chi Nan University (國立暨南國際大學傑出校友) (2014/05/23)
News! Our "Taiwan-Austria Joint Symposium on Large-Scale
Cross-Media Event Mining" was successfully held in Taipei and
Tainan from 2/18 to 2/22. (2014/02/24)
Prof. Chu received
IEEE Tainan Section Best GOLD Member Award! (2013/11/28)
Our Taiwan-Austria joint seminar proposal, entitled
"Taiwan-Austria Joint Symposium on Large-Scale Cross-Media Event
Mining," is approved by NSC. (2013/11/14)
張豐麒 was awarded 中華民國資訊學會碩士論文獎佳作 (2013/11/08)
Our work "Mathematical Formula Detection in Heterogeneous
Document Images" is accepted by Conference on Technologies and
Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2013. (2013/09/24)
Our work "Tag Suggestion and Localization for Images by
Bipartite Graph Matching" is accepted by APSIPA Annual Summit
and Conference, 2013. (2013/08/06)
Our work "Optimized Speech Balloon Placement for Automatic
Comics Generation" is accepted by ACM International Workshop on
Interactive Multimedia on Mobile and Portable Devices, 2013.
Our work "Size Does Matter: How Image Size Affects Aesthetic
Perception?" is accepted as a full paper in ACM Multimedia 2013.
Prof. Chu received K. T. Li Young Researcher Award 2012, one of
the most prestigious awards for young researchers in Taiwan.