Previous News



News! Congratulations that Liang-Chia Chen's work "HCV: Lightweight Hybrid CNN-Vision Transformer for Visual Object Tracking" is accepted by International Conference on Multimedia Modeling 2025 (2024/10/31)
News! Congratulations that Cheng-Kang Tan's work "CS-HOI: Human Object Interaction Detection Enhanced by Common Sense" is accepted by ACM Multimedia Asia 2024 (2024/10/31)
News! Congratulations that Guan-Yu Wu's work "Incremental Few-Shot Object Detection by Leveraging External Information from Large Multimodal Models" is accepted by ACM Multimedia Asia 2024 (2024/10/31)
News! Congratulations that the collaboration with Dept. of Resource Engineering "Deep Learning in the Advanced Core Sample Porosity Determination with XCT image" is accepted by Earth Science Informatics (2024/09/29)
News! Congratulations that Yu-Yuan Huang's work "Learnable Context in Multiple Instance Learning for Whole Slide Image Classification and Segmentation" is accepted by Journal of Imaging Informatics in Medicine (2024/09/29)
News! Congratulations that 吳冠渝 receives 崇越論文大賞佳作 (2024/09/29)
News! Congratulations that 陳宥翔 receives 未來科技獎 (2024/09/19)
News! Congratulations that 陳宥翔 receives 成功大學敏求智慧運算學院「智慧運算創新應用」專題實作競賽創新運算組銀獎 (2024/09/09)
News! Congratulations that Yi-Chen Chen's work "Positive and Negative Set Designs in Contrastive Feature Learning for Temporal Action Segmentation" is accepted to IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. (2024/06/14)
News! Congratulations that the co-work with our Indian colleagues "Transformer-based Clipped Contrastive Quantization Learning for Unsupervised Image Retrieval" is accepted to IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2024. (2024/06/14)
News! Congratulations that Yu-Chen Lai's work "Unsupervised Anomaly Detection on Histopathology Images Using Adversarial Learning and Simulated Anomaly" is accepted to UK Conference on Medical Image Understanding and Analysis 2024. (2024/05/31)
News! Congratulations that Prof. Wei-Ta Chu is elevated to ACM Senior Member. (2024/05/11)
News! Congratulations that Yi-Cheng Liu's work "Chart Question Answering based on Modality Conversion and Large Language Models" is accepted to ACM Workshop in AI-powered Question & Answering Systems, 2024. (2024/05/11)
News! Congratulations that 孫諒瑜 receives 中華民國資訊學會碩士論文獎佳作 (2024/03/13)
News! Congratulations that Liang-Yu Sun's work “Overall Positive Prototype for Few-Shot Open-Set Recognition” is accepted to Pattern Recognition (2024/03/04)


News! Congratulations that Yi-Peng Wang's work “Multiple Player Tracking with 3D Projection and Spatio-temporal Information in Multi-view Sports Videos” is accepted to ICASSP 2024 (2023/12/14)
News! Congratulations that Ci-Ying Zhang's work “Occlusion-Aware Manga Character Re-identification with Self-Paced Contrastive Learning” is accepted to MMAsia 2023 (2023/09/17)
News! Congratulations that 孫諒瑜 receives 敏求智慧運算競賽銀牌獎 (2023/09/01)
News! Congratulations that 黃有源 receives 敏求智慧運算競賽佳作 (2023/09/01)
News! Congratulations that 陳韋志 receives 中華民國資訊學會碩士論文獎佳作 (2023/03/14)
News! Congratulations that the work “Automated Video Analysis of Audio-visual approaches to predict and detect mild cognitive impairment and dementia in older adults” is accepted to Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease (2023/01/27)
News! Congratulations that the work developed by 楊奕廷 receives Best Poster Award, International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (2023/01/13)


News! Congratulations that the work developed by 楊晴晴 receives 中國石油學會111年優秀論文探勘開發類金獎 (2022/12/23)
News! Congratulations that our paper "The VTF Dataset and a Multi-Scale Thermal-to-Visible Face Synthesis System " is accepted to MMM 2023 (2022/10/25)
News! Congratulations that our paper "Manga Text Detection with Manga-Specific Data Augmentation and Its Applications on Emotion Analysis" is accepted to MMM 2023 (2022/10/25)
News! Congratulations that 王蒂元's master thesis "基於視覺與聽覺資訊之偵測老人輕度認知障礙及失智症" receives 中華民國民生電子學會碩士論文獎佳作 (2022/10/20)
News! Congratulations that our paper "Multimodal Fusion with Cross-Modal Attention for Action Recognition in Still Images" is accepted to ACM Multimedia Asia 2022 (2022/09/18)
News! Congratulations that Prof. Chu is appointed as an associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (2022/08/01)
News! Congratulations that Prof. Chu received Outstanding Reviewer Award from ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (2022/08/01)
News! Congratulations that our paper "Enhancing Fan Engagement in a 5G Stadium with AI-Based Technologies and Live Streaming" is accepted to IEEE Systems Journal (2022/04/18)
News! Congratulations that the work "Vision Transformer Hashing for Image Retrieval" collaborated with IIIT, India, is accepted to ICME 2022 (2022/03/06)


News! Congratulations that Yu-Heng Huang's work "Indie Games Popularity Prediction by Considering Multimodal Features" is accepted to MMM (2021/11/06)
News! Congratulations that 黃顯堯's master thesis receives 中華民國人工智慧學會碩士論文獎佳作. (2021/11/06)
News! Congratulations that Wei-Ting Cao's work "Multi-Class Novelty Detection with Generated Hard Novel Features" is accepted to BMVC (2021/10/19)
News! Congratulations that 黃顯堯's master thesis receives 中華民國影像處理與圖形識別學會碩士論文獎佳作. (2021/08/25)
News! Congratulations that Sian-Yao Huang's work "OSNASLib: One-Shot NAS Library" is accepted to ICCV workshop on Neural Architectures: Past, Present and Future (2021/08/25)
News! Congratulations that Chen-Ni Chen's work "How It Flies and Why It Flies? Volleyball Trajectory Segmentation and Classification" receives IEEE MSA-TC Best Paper Award. (2021/05/28)
News! Congratulations that Yu-Hsuan Liang's and Kai-Chia Ho's work "Visual Weather Property Prediction by Multi-Task Learning and Two-Dimensional RNNs" is accepted to Atmosphere. (2021/04/27)
News! Congratulations that Ting-Hsuan Chou's work "Automatic Pitch Overlay" is accepted to ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval. (2021/04/21)
News! Congratulations that Sian-Yao Huang's work "PONAS: Progressive One-shot Neural Architecture Search for Very Efficient Deployment" is accepted to IJCNN 2021. (2021/04/10)
News! Congratulations that Chen-Ni Chen's work "How It Flies and Why It Flies? Volleyball Trajectory Segmentation and Classification" is accepted to IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs. (2021/03/12)
News! Congratulations that Sian-Yao Huang's work "Searching by Generating: Flexible and Efficient One-Shot NAS with Architecture Generator" is accepted to CVPR 2021. (2021/03/02)
News! Congratulations that Si-Heng Huang's work "Multi-Label Image Recognition by Using Semantics Consistency, Object Correlation, and Multiple Samples" is accepted to Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation. (2021/02/22)
News! Congratulations that Chen-Ni Chen's work "How It Flies and Why It Flies? Volleyball Trajectory Segmentation and Classification" is accepted to ISCAS 2021. (2021/02/02)


News! Congratulations that Zong-Wei Pan's work "Semi-Supervised 3D Human Pose Estimation by Jointly Considering Temporal and Multiview Information" is accepted to IEEE Access. (2020/12/16)
News! Congratulations that Ping-Shen Huang's work "Thermal Face Recognition based on Multi-Scale Image Synthesis" is accepted to International Conference on Multimedia Modelling, 2021. (2020/12/16)
News! Congratulations that An-Lun Liu's work "A Posture Evaluation System for Fitness Videos based on Recurrent Neural Network" receives the Best Paper Award from International Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control. (2020/11/13)
News! Congratulations that 黃品珅 receives 台灣電子電機學會碩士論文獎佳作(應用組) for his work "Thermal Face Recognition based on Multi-Scale Image Synthesis". (2020/11/06)
News! Congratulations that the work "A Study of Self Distillation for Mango Image Classification" developed by Wei-Chi Chen has been accepted to ICS 2020 (2020/10/26)
News! Congratulations that the work "A Posture Evaluation System for Fitness Videos based on Recurrent Neural Network" developed by An-Lun Liu has been accepted to IS3C 2020. (2020/09/01)
Congratulations that the work "BatikGAN: A Generative Adversarial Network for Batik Creation" developed by Lin-Yu Ko has been accepted to MMArt-ACM 2020. (2020/04/06)


News! Congratulations that the work "Attribute-Aware Multi-Scale Image Generation with Residual Learning" developed by Li-Wei Huang has been accepted to ICAN 2020. (2019/12/5)
News! Congratulations that the work "A Study of Garbage Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks" developed by Shanshan Meng has been accepted to ICAN 2020. (2019/12/5)
News! International Joint Workshop on Multimedia Artworks Analysis and Attractiveness Computing in Multimedia 2020 will be held in conjunction with ICMR 2020, Dublin City, Ireland. (2019/11/3)
News! The paper "A Survey on Multimedia Artworks Analysis and Attractiveness Computing in Multimedia" has been accepted by ITE Transactions on Media Technology and Applications. (2019/04/16)
News! 郭紘睿's work "應用多向神經網路於多圖片多標籤分類" is awarded中華民國資訊學會碩士論文獎佳作 (2019/04/16)
News! International Joint Workshop on Multimedia Artworks Analysis and Attractiveness Computing in Multimedia 2019 will be held in conjunction with ICME, Shanghai, China. (2019/01/15)


Call for paper: International Workshop on AI Aesthetics in Arts and Media [in conjunction with ACCV 2018, Dec. 3, 2018, Perth, Australia]

News! The work "A Genetic Programming Approach to Integrate Multilayer CNN Features for Image Classification," developed by Hao-An Chu is accepted to International Conference on Multimedia Modeling, 2019. (2018/9/27)
News! The work "Text Detection in Manga by Deep Region Proposal, Classification, and Regression," developed by Chih-Chi Yu is accepted to IEEE International Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing, 2018. (2018/8/30)
News! The work "A Parametric Study of Deep Perceptual Model on Visible to Thermal Face Recognition," developed by Jo-Ning Wu is accepted to IEEE International Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing, 2018. (2018/8/30)
News! The work "Manga Face Detection based on Deep Neural Networks Fusing Global and Local Information" developed by Wei-Wei Li is accepted to Pattern Recognition (2018/8/27)
News! The work "Depth-Aware Image Colorization" developed by Yu-Ting Hsu is accepted by International Workshop on Understanding Subjective Attributes of Data, with the Focus on Evoked Emotions (2018/8/17)
News! International Workshop on AI Aesthetics in Arts and Media 2018 will be held in conjunction with ACCV, Perth, Australia. (2018/8/17)
News! 吳依玲's work "應用自動學習的深度相關性特徵於影像風格分類" is awarded中華民國資訊學會碩士論文獎佳作 (2018/04/02)
News! The work "Image Style Classification based on Learnt Deep Correlation Features" developed by Yi-Ling Wu is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2018. (2018/01/28)
News! The work "Visual Weather Temperature Prediction" developed by Kai-Chia Ho, and collaborated with Prof. Ali Borji of University of Central Florida, is accepted to IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, 2018. (2018/01/24)
News! International Workshop on Multimedia Artworks Analysis 2018 will be held in conjunction with ICMR, Yokohama, Japan. (2018/1/11)


News! Prof. Chu received 中國電機工程學會優秀青年工程師獎 (2017/10/12)
News! 吳依玲's work "應用自動學習的深度相關性特徵於影像風格分類" is awarded 台灣電子電機工程學會碩士論文獎佳作 (2017/10/12)
News! The work "Blog Article Summarization with Image-Text Alignment Techniques " developed by Ming-Chih Kao is accepted to International Symposium on Multimedia, 2017. (2017/09/22)
News! The work "Movie Genre Classification based on Poster Images with Deep Neural Networks" developed by Hung-Jui Guo is accepted to International Workshop on Multimodal Understanding of Social, Affective and Subjective Attributes, 2017. (2017/08/15)

News! The work "Camera as Weather Sensor: Estimating Weather Information from Single Images" developed by Xiang-You Zheng and Ding-Shiuan Ding is accepted by Journal of Visual Communications and Image Representation, 2017. (2017/04/21)
News! The work "Food Image Description Based on Deep-Based Joint Food Category, Ingredient, and Cooking Method Recognition" developed by Chia-Hsing Lin is accepted by International Workshop on Multimedia Services and Technologies for E-health, 2017. (2017/04/11)
News! The work "Manga FaceNet: Face Detection in Manga based on Deep Neural Network" developed by Wei-Wei Li is accepted by ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval, 2017. (2017/04/11)
News! The work "Badminton Video Analysis based on Spatiotemporal and Stroke Features" developed by Samuel Situmeang is accepted by ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval, 2017. (2017/04/11)
News! Prof. Chu has been elevated to IEEE Senior Member. (2017/03/06)


News! The work "Predicting Occupation from Images by Combining Face and Body Context Information" developed by Chih-Hao Chiu is accepted to ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications. (2016/10/21)
News! The work "Advertisement Detection, Segmentation, and Classification for Newspaper Images and Website Snapshots" developed by Han-Yuan Chang is accepted by International Computer Symposium. (2016/10/05)
News! The work "A Study of Combining Re-coloring and Adding Patterns to Images for Dichromats" developed by Tsung-Han Yang is accepted by ACCV Workshop on Assistive Vision. (2016/09/19)
News! The work "Cultural Difference and Visual Information on Hotel Rating Prediction" developed by Wei-Han Huang is accepted by World Wide Web Journal. (2016/07/19)
News! Prof. Chu is appointed as an Associate Editor of IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems. (2016/07/05)
News! The work "Deep Correlation Features for Image Style Classification" developed by Yi-Ling Wu is accepted by ACM Multimedia 2016. (2016/06/28)
News! The work "On Broadcasted Game Video Analysis: Event Detection, Highlight Detection, and Highlight" developed by Yung-Chieh Chou is accepted by Multimedia Tools and Applications. (2016/05/03)
News! The work "Image2Weather: A Large-Scale Image Dataset for Weather Property Estimation" developed by Xiang-You Zheng and Ding-Shiuan Ding is accepted by IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Big Data 2016. (2016/02/02)


News! The proposed International Workshop on Multimedia Artworks Analysis, co-organized by Prof. Toshihiko Yamasaki, Dr. Takaaki Shiratori, and Prof. Wei-Ta Chu, is accepted to ICME 2016. (2015/12/23)
News! The work "Manga-Specific Features and Latent Style Model for Manga Style Analysis" developed by Wei-Chung Cheng is accepted by IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing 2016. (2015/12/22)
News! The work "News Story Clustering with Fisher Embedding" developed by Han-Nung Hsu is accepted by IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing 2016. (2015/12/22)
News! The proposed International Workshop on Mobile Media Big Data Analytics and Applications, co-organized by Prof. Jialie Shen, Prof. Xueming Qian, Dr. Yongqing Sun, and Prof. Wei-Ta Chu, is accepted to BigMM 2016. (2015/12/10)
News! The work "Event Detection and Highlight Detection of Broadcasted Game Videos" developed by Yung-Chieh Chou is accepted by Workshop on Computational Models of Social Interactions: Human-Computer-Media Communication. (2015/08/14)
News! Congratulate 鄭為中, 周雍傑, 邱志豪 passing their master thesis defense. (2015/07/30)
News! Welcome Jian Hao Loo, from Universiti Putra Malaysia, as a summer intern in our lab. (2015/06/29)
News! The work "Weather-Adaptive Distance Metric for Landmark Image Classification" developed by Ding-Shiuan Ding is accepted by Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (2015/06/29)
News! Prof. Chu will serve as the Publication Co-chair of IEEE International Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing (2015/05/29)
News! We will co-organize a special session "Geospatial and Temporal Social Multimedia Analysis" at Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia 2015 (2015/04/15)
News! The work "A Privacy-Preserving Bipartite Graph Matching Framework for Multimedia Analysis and Retrieval" developed by Feng-Chi Chang is accepted by ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (2015/03/16)


News! The work "Optimized Comics-Based Storytelling for Temporal Image Sequences" developed by Chia-Hsiang Yu and Hsin-Han Wang is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (2014/11/28)
News! 游家祥's work "用於時序性影像之最佳化漫畫敘事系統" is awarded 中華民國資訊學會碩士論文獎佳作 (2014/11/12)
News! The work "Predicting Occupation from Single Facial Images" developed by Chih-Hao Chiu is accepted by IEEE Intermational Symposium on Multimedia 2014 (2014/09/15)
News! The work "Fast Object Detection Using Multistage Particle Window Deformable Part Model" developed by Ming-Hung Hsu is accepted by IEEE Intermational Symposium on Multimedia 2014 (2014/09/15)
News! The work "Street Sweeper: Detecting and Removing Cars in Street View Images" developed by Ying-Chieh Chao and Yi-Sheng Chang is accepted by Multimedia Tools and Applications (2014/07/24)
News! Prof. Ichiro IDE from Nagoya University visisted our lab (2014/07/14)
News! The work "Line-based drawing style description for manga classification" developed by Ying-Chieh Chao is accepted by ACM Multimedia 2014 (2014/07/09)
News! Prof. Chu received the Distinguished Alumni Award from National Chi Nan University (國立暨南國際大學傑出校友) (2014/05/23)
News! Our "Taiwan-Austria Joint Symposium on Large-Scale Cross-Media Event Mining" was successfully held in Taipei and Tainan from 2/18 to 2/22. (2014/02/24)


Prof. Chu received IEEE Tainan Section Best GOLD Member Award! (2013/11/28)
Our Taiwan-Austria joint seminar proposal, entitled "Taiwan-Austria Joint Symposium on Large-Scale Cross-Media Event Mining," is approved by NSC. (2013/11/14)
張豐麒 was awarded 中華民國資訊學會碩士論文獎佳作 (2013/11/08)
Our work "Mathematical Formula Detection in Heterogeneous Document Images" is accepted by Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2013. (2013/09/24)
Our work "Tag Suggestion and Localization for Images by Bipartite Graph Matching" is accepted by APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference, 2013. (2013/08/06)
Our work "Optimized Speech Balloon Placement for Automatic Comics Generation" is accepted by ACM International Workshop on Interactive Multimedia on Mobile and Portable Devices, 2013. (2013/08/06)
Our work "Size Does Matter: How Image Size Affects Aesthetic Perception?" is accepted as a full paper in ACM Multimedia 2013. (2013/06/26)
Prof. Chu received K. T. Li Young Researcher Award 2012, one of the most prestigious awards for young researchers in Taiwan. (2013/01/20)


Last Updated: Jan. 27, 2025